BCP Company Class of the Month with Kiwi Jessie Rochford-Barber

This month’s company class is a video that was taken during our 2019 NZ Tour of GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS.

During our tour, we ran a specially created workshop for Te Auaha NZ Institute of Creativity Full-Time Dance Students. BCP dancer and resident Kiwi Jessie Rochford-Barber taught this eager and hardworking group of students choreography from GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS.

We thought it would be fun to teach them our version of Benny Benassi’s Satisfaction. They absolutely smashed it.

Also – How awesome would a Satisfaction flashmob with hundreds of ferocious babes be?!

Thank you to Te Auaha and all of the fierce dancers that joined us in our workshop.
We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Promotional video features snippets of Bonnie Curtis Projects performing in a Company Class with Kiwi Jessie Rochford-Barber

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