Bonnie Curtis Projects Celebrates Their Third Birthday
Bonnie Curtis “GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS†© Ellie Baker [NZ Fringe Festival 2019]
Three years ago we started working on an unnamed project, which was the beginning of Bonnie Curtis Projects as a company. This unnamed project ended up with the name GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. So much has happened in the past 3 years. We have toured across the East Coast of Australia and travelled across the ditch to perform in NZ. We have had 6 seasons of performances with a 7th on the way, once that pesky bug stops ruining things.
I feel like 2020 was meant to be a great year for both myself and the company. We had a mind-blowing revamp of Wonderland set for March Dance Festival followed by a trip to Europe to be apart of the ATLAS program at the ImPulsTanz Festival and then a GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Regional tour, with a few other opportunities dotted along the way. All of these things have been postponed, like basically all of 2020. BCP is not alone in our experiences, all performing arts companies are suffering the dreaded COVID-19 fallout.
Bonnie Curtis “Wonderland” (c) David Bonnell [2019]
Despite all of this, I am feeling as positive as I have in a long time. I have had some downtime to think about what is important to both myself and the company. It's creating works that make people feel something, it's sharing our love and passion for dance with people through education opportunities, it's having a collective experience with the audience and performers at our shows, it's living and breathing dance. The world has become a new place in next to no time and I am excited to see what possibilities it brings.
This year has been a challenge for both myself and my dancers. Having the high of an upcoming performance is what performers live for. For that high to come crashing down a week out from opening night is an incredibly difficult emotional journey that's in basic terms, pretty shit. For me live performance is life. There is nothing like the energy you feel from the performers, the audience, the space you're in. The performance becomes a living, breathing entity that's all-encompassing and only lives for as long as the audience is there, after that it becomes a memory, a collection of images, feelings, thoughts and ideas. I love this. It's what I live for. To have this taken away after all of the long days and hard work put in by not only myself but my dancers and crew was something I hope to never have to go through again.
Since then I have had many an emotional moment but the show must go on and that it will, whatever that means in our current reality. I still feel like 2020 will be a great year because we'll get through to the other side, like any other challenge in life, we'll survive and be better for it. I cannot thank my dancers enough for giving their heart and soul to helping me transfer the insane thoughts in my head into a performance that you crazy people pay money to experience.
Another important part of BCP is our Patreon supporters. Without them, we would not have been able to achieve so many great things over the past 3 years. They are the financial lifeblood that helps pay for costumes, lighting, materials to build sets, props and the rest. Thank you for your dedication and support to the BCP family. There are many other people who have supported us over the past 3 years. Too many to name but you know who you're. Thank you for everything you have done to help us do our thing a little easier.
So. What will the next 12 months bring? I honestly have no idea. I would be lying if I said otherwise. We'll perform our postponed season of Wonderland when restrictions are lifted and then we'll take GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS to the bush. Other than that I think it's preemptive to make any concrete plans given the uncertainty of the world. As a control freak, it has taken me 2 months to get over not having concrete plans and being in control of everything. I am now at peace with my reality. I feel that it's a positive thing. We are free to do whatever comes our way and I cannot wait to share with you what that's.
Happy Birthday, BCP!
xo Bonnie