Chat with Dancer Ina Borch

Chat with Dancer Ina Borch Video

We caught up with dancer Ina Borch and asked her some random questions to find out who the real IB is.

Watch the video interview to find out Ina’s juicy secrets or read the transcript below.

Book that changed your life?

Books are a bit hard for me because I can’t really read.

Drug of choice?

Birth control (laughs).

First Concert?

My first concert that I can remember was in high school when I started my performing arts high school and there was a big jazz concert with the musicians there. It was pretty average (laughs).

Something nobody knows about you?

Well you probably can’t tell because my English is really good but I’m actually not from an English speaking country.

Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott?

I don’t know what those people do.


Ina is performing in dance company Twisted Element’s Opus in Wollongong on August 25, 2018 and Wyong in October.

For more information visit Twisted Element’s event page.

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