Chat with Dancer Jessie Rochford-Barber

Chat with Dancer Jessie Rochford-Barber Video

We caught up with dancer Jessie Rochford-Barber and asked her some random questions to find out who the real JRB is.

Watch the video interview to find out Jess’ juicy secrets or read the transcript below.

Drug of choice?

Whittaker’s chocolate, Kiwi bro.

First Concert?

My first real concert was Destiny’s Child but I also went to a Spice Girls impersonation concert before that because the Spice Girls didn’t actually want to come to New Zealand.

Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott?

I hate them both.

Something nobody knows about you?

I’m from New Zealand.

Book that changed your life?

Like most 90s kids, Harry Potter. Made me believe in magic.

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