Chat with Dancer Kara Peake

Chat with Dancer Kara Peake Video

We caught up with dancer Kara Peake and asked her some random questions to find out who the woman behind Boobzilla really is.

Watch the video interview to find out KP’s juicy secrets or read the transcript below.

Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott?

That’s a tough one because I did see Tony Abbott on a beach in Mollymook running in his speedos so I’m inclined to go Tony Abbottbut then again…

(Singing) I don’t like it when you turn my voice around. I don’t like it when you vote One Nation out. 

My language has been murdered, my language has been murdered, my shopping trolley murdered, my groceries just gone!

Beat! whoa whoa!

Book that changed your life?

If I’m going to go in categories or genres, it’s probably going to be recipe books. Those are the books that changed my life the most

Something nobody knows about you?

What I do when I’m alone (laughs). Nobody knows what I do. I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time

Drug of choice?

Let’s be honest, ******.

First Concert?

It was Maroon 5. Rock on! At Acer Arena, it was great. Shakas (laughs).

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