Chat with Dancer Kate Garrett

Chat with Dancer Kate Garrett Video

We caught up with our dancer Kate Garrett and asked her some random questions to find out who the real KG is.

Watch the video interview to find out Kate’s juicy secrets or read the transcript below.

First Concert?

I think my first concert was Steeleye Span but that might be wrong but that’s the first 1 I remember and I was very little and my dad took me and I was so excited and then I fell asleep.

Drug of choice?


Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott?

I don’t know who those people are.

Something nobody knows about you?

I think knows most things about me I’m too open (laughs) I’m too open but I’ve got flamingos on my skirt. Today I’m a princess (laughs).

Book that changed your life?

The dictionary cause it helped me learn how to spell.


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