Chat with our Artistic Director Bonnie Curtis

Chat with our Artistic Director Bonnie Curtis Video

We caught up with Artistic Director Bonnie Curtis and asked her some random questions to find out who the real Bonnie Curtis is.

Watch the video interview to find out Bonnie’s juicy secrets or read the transcript below.

Book that changed your life?

I wouldn’t really call it a book but I did spend a lot of time reading it when I was younger, and that’s

Drug of choice?


First Concert?

My first concert was Hole back in 1999. They played at the Enmore Theatre and my dad took me because I was like 11 but I really really wanted to go, and yeah, it was like the best thing ever.

Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott?

Pauline Pantsdown for Prime Minister.

Something nobody knows about you?

I’m not wearing any pants.

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