Creative Kids Dance Workshops

We are excited to announce that we are starting new dance workshops for children in the Southern Highlands.

Creative Kids Dance Classes – Starting February 7

Join award-winning choreographer Bonnie Curtis in our Creative Kids Dance workshop aimed at developing your child’s self-expression and movement skills.

In our Creative Kids Dance Workshop your child will play different movement games to inspire their imagination.

Our classes are nurturing, fun and non-competitive. There is no right or wrong way to move and your child will be encouraged to express themselves without judgement.

Our Creative Kids Dance Workshop is suitable for school aged children of all skill levels and genders. It’s a physically active class, however it’s structured so you’re able to move at your own pace and skill level.

The ‘Kids Create’ workshop is an add-on workshop where your child will create their own dance piece with their peers.

This workshop gives your child the opportunity to use their newly learnt creative skills. Your child’s creation will be shared with your family and friends in an informal showing during the last week of term.

Save 10% when you book both workshops together.


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