GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS wins Anywhere Award!

Last night the winners were announced for the 2018 Anywhere Awards.
Out of over 300 performances and 2107 votes cast, GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS were 1 of 11 performances who were inducted into the Anywhere Theatre Festival history books.
This is the third year of the Anywhere Awards and there were 2,107 nominations in a festival with a similar number of shows to 2017 when 1,265 votes were cast.
“We just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who voted for GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS! This is really the icing on the cake after such an enjoyable and successful tour to QLD.
Thank you to Anywhere Theatre Festival for running such a great festival and inviting us GIRLS to perform.
This award validates what we already know. GIRLS RULE!”
– Bonnie Curtis
To see the full list of winners visit the Anywhere Theatre Festival website

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