Tribute to victims of violence

Journalist Kimberley Caines interviews Bonnie Curtis on her latest work ‘Is This Love?’ for the September 1 Edition of the Macarthur Chronicle.

1NewsLocal digital edition - Macarthur Chronicle (Campbelltown) - 1 Sep 2015 - Page #5

YOU can’t control an abusive partner but you can take control to prevent violence against women by speaking out, Bonnie Curtis says.

The Macquarie Fields resident, 27, will not turn a blind eye to human rights abuse and is standing up for women through dance.

The Academy of Music and Performing Arts student, who is studying a bachelor of dance, has been selected to showcase her performance,

at the Sydney Fringe Festival. The contemporary piece will feature in the Platform Shorts program at the Annandale Creative Arts Centre on September 10-12.

“I have created a work that explores the life of a seemingly happy couple but then the audience witnesses the violence that happens behind closed doors,” Ms Curtis said. “I have used movements that mirror the behaviour and body language of a dominant partner to intimidate and abuse the person they love.

“I have created characters based on my own personal experiences. I wanted to create a raw portrait of this life so I have used movement that’s quite intense, both physically and emotionally.”

The choreographer said the piece paid tribute to women who had died due to violence. “The community needs to change the attitudes on how women are being treated,” she said.


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