

If you’ren’t familiar with Patreon, it’s an easy way for those who love what we do to support us and help us continue to create dance works. Our Patrons see new, exclusive content and updates before anyone else. By contributing as little as $1 per month, you will enable us to dedicate more of our time to creating and sharing our dance works by helping cover the many costs incurred from running a dance company.

We launched our Patreon in August last year so we could work towards a long-term future for Bonnie Curtis Projects. Our grand, long-term goal is to have a sustainable cash flow to pay our dancers for their time and commitment to creating, rehearsing and performing our works. This is something that’s as important to us as creating works that push boundaries, and we all know how much we love to do that!

The support our Patrons give helped us take GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS on tour to Melbourne and New Zealand. Without their support, we would not have been able to perform in New Zealand.

Our Patrons are such an important part of our company and without their support, we would not be able to do what we do.

Check out our Patreon to find out more.

About admin

admin has created 246 entries.

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