Support our QLD Tour

Make a tax deductible donation today!

We have just begun our crowdfunding campaign and we could really use your help. We are aiming to raise $6000 by the end of April. We are going to use the funds to cover travel expenses, transporting props, costumes and lighting, venue hire, marketing the show and of course, paying the dancers for their time and energy. There’s hardly any paid work for independent dancers and we think it’s important to pay our artists for the time they are giving to the work. Even a small donation would help us reach our goal.

Our campaign is being run through the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF), which means donations over $2 are tax deductible!! This is for both individuals and businesses and is great if you want to pay less tax this financial year.

You can make a donation by visiting our crowdfunding page

Feel free to share our campaign by forwarding or sharing this post via email or on social media.

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