Creative Dance Workshop with Bonnie Curtis

As part of her DAIR residency at AMPA, choreographer Bonnie Curtis invites dancers and movers to an afternoon of self-expression. Get outside your comfort zone and push beyond your limits in a safe space for creative exploration and risk-taking.

Bonnie will share her artistic process from her works LIMITS and GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. In this workshop, you’ll develop written material, using it as a stimulus for movement and vocal choreography. You’ll also explore various ways to add depth and meaning to your work through dramaturgical and theatrical elements.

This workshop will involve:
•    guided writing tasks
•    physical warm-up
•    choreographic tasks using voice and movement
•    group discussion

Come with an open heart, an open mind, a notepad and pen.

WHEN: Friday 18 March 2022, 3:30PM

WHERE: AMPA Performing Arts Centre, 4/85 O’Riordan St, Alexandria

REGISTRATION: Send a short bio and expression of interest to by Monday 14 March 2022.


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